Heart of Texoma

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Endowments can be established by an organization, individuals or a family. Texoma Giving Partners invests your gift, and the interest and earnings are used to help others. Because the principal balance always remains intact, your donation continues to serve the long-term needs of the community.

What Our Partners Are Saying:
“Nothing makes you feel better than a warm supper, a prayer, a nice bed and kindness. That was our wish for Reba’s Ranch House. It’s still our hope and
prayer for the world today.” -Reba McEntire


Everyone knows Reba McEntire’s music, but do you know about Reba’s Ranch House? Reba’s Ranch House is Reba’s only name-sake charity and it gives families of patients in local medical facilities in North Texas and Southern Oklahoma a place to stay when they need it most. 

Reba believes that when you have loved ones in medical care, you shouldn’t have to sleep in hospital chairs or worry about the cost of hotels. So she did something about it.

The Reba’s Ranch House endowment was initially established through benefit concerts and major donors, including substantial donations by Ralph and Frances Porter, Mary E. Morrison and friends of Jerdy and Anne Gary. More than 25 years later, this welcoming home has touched more than 35,000 lives across the world.

To contribute, or to learn more, visit